🎊 Jamboree 🎊

Find pages and sites from all around the World Wide Web with 945 links and counting!

Seeking surfers to help populate links - get in touch with the webmaster if interested!

Adding links to Jamboree

Have a cool link you'd like to share with the Web? Run a sweet web site or blog? Fill out the form below and we'll take a look! Alternatively, you can also email a patch for the Git repository at git.sr.ht/~pmc/webjamboree to ~pmc/webjamboree-devel@lists.sr.ht, or just send us an email to ~pmc/webjamboree-requests@lists.sr.ht with the link you want added!

All link requests will be publically listed on the Jamboree mailing lists. Don't submit any sensitive info here.